能楽師 武田宗典
Like soft and supple water, a Noh performer shapes the formless. Facing oneself, they embody the emotions embedded in the classical art of Noh, becoming both an interpreter of its sentiments and a creator of its expressive methods. That is Takeda Munenori.
人の祈りや心の輪郭を像づくる。 自身に映す貌がなくとも、祈りと想いを無辺に映す。
能は人の願いであり、想いであり、喜怒哀楽なる心を伝える芸能の原点。 人にとっての願いに限りがないように、芸能も能楽も限りなし。
だから今日も、祈りを身に宿し、寿福増長を願い、 しなやかに舞う。
Shaping the contours of human prayers and hearts. Even without a reflection of one’s own face, it infinitely reflects prayers and thoughts.
Noh is the origin of art that conveys human desires, emotions, and the full spectrum of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure. Just as human wishes know no bounds, so too does the art of Noh.
Therefore, today as well, we embody prayers, wishing for prosperity and happiness, and dance gracefully.

With a history spanning over six hundred years, Noh is Japan’s oldest performing art, having refined its unique style through the ages. At the same time, it remains a vital part of the world’s contemporary theater. Just as water is the origin of all things, Noh is the origin of Japanese performing arts. On the Noh stage, the graceful and enigmatic Noh masks and the splendid costumes convey human sorrow, anger, nostalgia, and love, reflecting the inner emotions of each viewer.

NOH Watching
When watching Noh, there is no need for a complicated mindset. Being surprised, moved, or even feeling sleepy are all part of the experience. Please, watch with your own eyes.

NOH Experience
Through regular Noh experiences held in Tokyo, Osaka, and [location], you can personally engage with aspects of Noh. Please enjoy the experience of wearing a Noh mask and standing on stage.

NOH Learn
If you want to experience Japanese traditional culture, or if you want to learn Noh in depth, please join our lessons. Make the world of Noh a part of your life.

Takeda munenori

能楽師 観世流シテ方